Sunday, 11 February 2007

I believe that ......

· Each individual has a responsibility to act, but they can do this more effectively when co-operating on the following issues; recycling and waste, energy efficiency and ‘stop climate change’.

· There is no ethical alternative to EUSA’s pro-Fairtrade stance.

· Support should be given to asylum seekers and refugees, and within the university scholarships should be offered to people from developing countries.

· The proposed tramline development is essential for a modern, green and sustainable Edinburgh. As a student who has studied at KB, George Square and the Royal Infirmary, I appreciate that the large student population needs an environmentally-friendly transport network.

Having previously been an apathetic student, I want to confront other students with issues that are relevant to them. I will enable them to make a difference, and encourage every student to make EUSA dynamic and effective.
I have no party political agenda or ambition, but I want to represent students, and see positive changes in the policies that affect every student in the university.

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